New Chapters
Oh my goodness! Where do I begin? Around the turn of the century, I bought my first LongArm... and loved it!
Ten years ago, after 30 years of working through migraines, environmental sensitivities, and worsening allergies... I quit my day job, to avoid being in contact with all the invisible icky stuff... and started helping LongArm Quilty Friends by using REMOTE options... Thank God for my best friend, Lori... We set up Skype, FaceTime, Videos, YouTube, selling Classes on our website SederQuilts... Uffdah, none of us knew how to do that... but it turned out all right.
A few years ago, a college classmate of mine surprised me with a visit, and encouraged me to see her allergist in Wisconsin... Uffdah, I used to be sooo sick, sooo much of the time... and now, thanks for all your prayers, I am healthy! It turned out very well.
We downsized a couple years ago and bought a modern camper.
Our home of nearly 30 years sold quickly... our only vehicle died on the eve of leaving for the very last time... Thank you Lord, it did NOT die out on the hi way... we had everything filled to the brim... Uffdah, it coulda been bad... but it turned out all right.
So... we parked the camper at a friend's house, squished the last few important things into the uHaul, and moved out west... closer to our youngest daughter and her family.
We bought a newer truck in Montana... rented a house with a sweet view of the mountains all around... and enough space for a Quilty Studio... painted a few rooms... and updated the website... The day we mailed out Christmas cards for the first time in 15 years, we received notice that we had to move out of there, in the middle of a long snowy winter... Uffdah, it coulda been easier... but it turned out all right.
We travel back and forth to Minnesota... to visit family, and to teach Quilty Stuff... Tutoring Quilty Friends on their Own Machines, in their Own Homes... down through Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Nebraska, South Dakota... Uffdah, we didn't know what the roads and traffic would be like, or what the weather would be... but we met lots of dear friends, and hope to do more of that... it turned out very well.
Now we're renting a smaller house... I'm teaching nearly every month at ACleanStitch in Missoula on the Second Tuesday... still Tutoring from home, and occasionally in private homes, and helping lots of new Quilty Friends with more Online Classes... my own LongArm is set up in our breakfast nook, hanging out into the living room... Uffdah, it's a wee bit cozy... but it turned out all right.
And now... by the grace of God, and with the help of some wonderful people... we our building our Little Forever Home... with a Quilty Studio upstairs... and just a few miles from our daughter... We might downsize a bit more, as we unpack into our new space this summer... I hope to finally install my new updated ProStitcher Tablet that's been making all the moves... Uffdah, we know it will all turn out well.
Thank you for following me all these years, and telling Your Quilty Friends about the helpful options here at SederQuilts. See you soon! Tutoluu!
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Sending best wishes to you in your new home.I love the way you teach and refer back when I have a hiatus.. Enjoy your new life closer to your dd.
[…] or sparkles! LOL We are getting sooo close to moving in… I can hardly wait! My NewAndImproved SederQuiltsStudio is soooo pretty and open, with Oodles of Lights&Outlets (ThankYouTony for all your helpful […]