Welcome to Paola Jo's News Thread!
You'll learn all about the latest happenings with Paola Jo, and some posts that are fun & educational. Happy Reading!

Fun Reads
Little forever Home…
***note: LOL… I wrote this back in February … and accidentally saved it, as a draft! LOL. Goes to show how many plates I was trying to keep spinning in the air at the same time!! Breathe and Enjoy!*** Hi! Oh boy, our Little Forever Home is coming along nicely! Most of the painting is…
End of May 2024
Wow… where did this month go? I must say that almost every month! How about you? Today is another BLURSDAY… (A day when you don’t know what day of the week it is!!) We moved out of the second rental… moved as much as we could move into the new LittleForeverHome, in as neatly a…
Yesterday (Mar 20, 2024) I had such a fun time Tutoring Becky from PowerToolsWithThread! She does LOTS of Appliqué and wanted to know how to use her ProStitcher to stitch out a background design and CROP out the Appliquéd area. So she used my handy dandy Calendly link to schedule time with me for TutorTime……
New Chapters
Oh my goodness! Where do I begin? Around the turn of the century, I bought my first LongArm… and loved it! Ten years ago, after 30 years of working through migraines, environmental sensitivities, and worsening allergies… I quit my day job, to avoid being in contact with all the invisible icky stuff… and…
Today was Special… A Velveteen Rabbit Quilt
New Binding for an Old Quilt … Warning: get a tissue, just sayin’ (Originally written Jan 30, 2015) Today was special at SederQuilts… A good kind of special. Not just because it is Thursday (Thursday is usually my favorite day of the week… that started decades ago) and not just because I thoroughly enjoy my…