We offer two options to get One-on-One personalized training with PaolaJo: TutorTime (remote) and PaolaDayHolidays (Yes! I make house-calls!)
We also offer some fun options to book PaolaJo in-person for larger gatherings: Workshops and Events!
Read on to learn more...
TUTORTIME: "A twenty-minute conversation with Paola Jo solved my problem..."
A HUGE shout out to Paola Jo from SederQuilts. I've been struggling with getting an edge-to-edge design to be continuous and not have the designs look cropped around irregular objects. A twenty-minute conversation with Paola Jo solved my problem and taught me several other things. I'm thrilled with the results. Thanks, Paola Jo! You are so generous with your time and knowledge.
~Linda Duncan
TutorTime One-On-One Remote Tutoring
Share It!
What do YOU want to Learn? Ask all the questions you want! There are no silly questions. I Love to help!
- Flexible: 15 mins~30 mins~1 Hour~3 Hours
- LIVE but REMOTE~ Kinda like FaceTiming with your kids
- HouseCall without the Travel~ Sorta like a traveling piano tutor, but without needing to clean your house
- Interactive Video~ You can show me your Quilt or your ProStitcher screen, so I can SEE and give better answers right away
- FaceTime or Messenger Video Chat

Choose a TutorTime Length That Suits You
PaolaDayHoliday On-Site Tutoring

PaolaDayHoliday (PDH) is LIVE On-Location training. (So one of us will be doing some traveling!) What do YOU want to Learn? Ask all the questions you want! There are no silly questions. I Love to help!
- PDH is like MaryPoppins coming to Your house to Help You with Your Quilty Stuff. If I could wave a magic wand and help you enjoy your LongArm Stuff More… what would you want? Finally get comfy with Pro-Stitcher functions? Efficient & accurate Edge to Edge? Chunking Borders without turning the quilt on the frame? or Custom Cropping around Appliqué? Hmmm. You Choose!
- Ask All the Questions you want!
- (One or two other friends can be with you. They should be at your skill level and want to learn similar Quilty Stuff.)
- Half-Day, Full Day, and Multiple Day options.
To get started with PaolaDayHoliday Training, Schedule a Call with Paola Jo to talk details!
Paola Jo Workshops & Events

Workshops & Special Events are great for your sewing group, guild meetings, or a class at your Local Quilt Shop!
- Paola Jo comes to your location
- Workshops can be a hands-on class or retreat for a specific method or technique like Clotheslining, Cross of Many Squares, or Vintage Quilt Dusters & ArtsyFartsy Jackets
- Speaking Engagements could be demo-lecture or trunk show with Q&A
Schedule a Call with Paola Jo to discuss Workshop/Event ideas!