Yesterday (Mar 20, 2024) I had such a fun time Tutoring
Becky from PowerToolsWithThread! She does LOTS of Appliqué and wanted to know how to use her ProStitcher to stitch out a background design and CROP out the Appliquéd area. So she used my handy dandy
Calendly link to schedule time with me for
TutorTime... We had a great time! Thank you Becky for all the shout outs from your morning StitchuationRoom LIVE videos! (The Stitchuation Room
20Mar24, and
Speaking of PowerTools... MrTallDarkHandsome&Helpful and I will hopefully finish installing the LuxVinylPlank flooring in our LittleForeverHome today, with the help of our daughter. Oh my Goodness, she is sooooo helpful!!
Havie picks out WhatPlankShouldGoWhere, I mark where any Cuts need to be made, MrTDH&H runs the power tools (TableSaw and JigSaw) on the fancy cuts, Havie uses the super cool PlankChopper on the straight cuts, (ThankYouWade for letting us use that, it is such a time saver!)... and then I set the PlankEdges and the WallSpacers in the right spots, getting the grooves and tongues lined up and started, then MrTDH&H whacks that baby together, and I give the end a tap or two... in the mean time, Havie has the next plank or two puzzled out... Oh my Goodness, we are QuiteTheEfficientTeam... until I see a Squirrel that runs or sparkles! LOL
We are getting sooo close to moving in... I can hardly wait! My NewAndImproved
SederQuiltsStudio is soooo pretty and open, with Oodles of Lights&Outlets (ThankYouTony for all your helpful Suggestions&Options... we love options!! He's fantastic!) Oh my goodness, as soon as we have indoor plumbing, I'll give y'all a LIVEstudioTOUR!
OK... my Chicken Broccoli Noodle HotDish is ready for the CrockPot ... I better get my hair brushed and into a bun or a ponytail...and put on my painting uniform... As soon as we finish the floor this morning, it's time to tackle the Stain&Paint for the StairCase (ThankYouRob for all your hard work and talents building our LittleForeverHome!!) Then Rob will be able to put the StairTreads&Risers&Spindles&Stuff all together so we can eliminate the dusty OSB temporary steps. (I'm sweeping and vacuuming constantly to keep the sheetrock dust and BootDirt to a Minimum... I have a Thing about CleanFloors!)
ThankYouALL for following me all these years! Welcome to all our Newbies, too! Welcome to the HappyDance at SederQuilts! We can't wait to get all the TechnoStuff hooked up in the Studio, so we can start making and sharing videos again!!
oh oh... I better hurry up and get goin... MrTDH&H is almost ready to go! (I gotta shorten up my LongGoodByes!)
SeeYouSoon! Tutoluu! ~PaolaJo