2020 SITD with WiggleDitch *NEW*


Do you find it challenging to Stich In The Ditch on your LongArm? Try it with a Wiggle Ditch, instead!!

Benefits: More Forgiving than a Straight Stitch, Covers up Piecing Oopsies, Strengthens Fragile Seams, and so much more!!

PaolaJo shows you her favorite tips about using a WiggleDitch, and how to plan your Pathway, too!


Do you find it challenging to Stich In The Ditch on your LongArm? Try it with a Wiggle Ditch, instead!!

Benefits: More Forgiving than a Straight Stitch, Covers up Piecing Oopsies, Strengthens Fragile Seams, and so much more!!

PaolaJo shows you her favorite tips about using a WiggleDitch, and how to plan your Pathway, too!