3030 PSP: ReSize & Rotate


Learn the basic functions of Pro-Stitcher Premium.  This class is a double header!  Detailed printable handout included.

The Modify tab contains many ways to change a design.  Today we will playPlayPLAY with ReSize (to Lock or Not to Lock) and Rotate.  We’ve talked about square-ish designs in most of the classes so far.  This lesson will tackle a slightly tougher Triangular design in a flock of Flying Geese, and how to build in a little forgiveness to make your stitching successful!


Learn the basic functions of Pro-Stitcher Premium.  This class is a double header!  Detailed printable handout included.

The Modify tab contains many ways to change a design.  Today we will playPlayPLAY with ReSize (to Lock or Not to Lock) and Rotate.  We’ve talked about square-ish designs in most of the classes so far.  This lesson will tackle a slightly tougher Triangular design in a flock of Flying Geese, and how to build in a little forgiveness to make your stitching successful!